Chosson Teacher Training Course Underway

Chosson Teacher Training Course Underway

January 14, 2024

After months of preparations, the first course of its kind in Chabad, the Chosson Teacher Training course, a collaborative effort of Machon Lemaan Yilmedu and Machon Taharas Ha'Bayis of the Badatz of Crown Heights, got underway.

About 30 chassan teachers, mashpiim and shluchim who are involved in this topic attended the first shiur of the course. After brief introductory words by Rabbi Mendel Yusevitz of Machon Taharas Ha'Bayis, the talmidim listened to Rabbi Sholom Ber Chaikin, rav in Cleveland and a chassan teacher with decades of experience. He spoke about the importance of this new course whose goal it is to prepare chassanim for the most important step in their lives.

During the upcoming year, students will be taught how to guide chassanim by Rabbi Pesach Schmerling, Rabbi Avrohom Hirsh Levin, and Rabbi Mendel Levin. They will also be given extensive training by rabbanim and professionals on an array of topics connected with establishing a new Jewish home.

It's important to note that the course is in collaboration with to ensure that the chassanim and kallos are being taught the same information both in halacha and hashkafa.

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