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Semicha for Bochurim

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Semicha for Bochurim

Attention Bochurim!

Lemaan Yilmedu’s famous Smicha program - now tailor made for you!

Lemaan Yilmedu's Smicha course was created specifically with bochurim in mind, taking the well established classic Lemaam Yilmedu Smicha curriculum and reconfiguring it to better fit into the structure of a bochur who would like to learn Smicha while on Shlichus or in Yeshiva. The program begins right after Tishrei and concludes on Gimmel Tammuz, just before all summer plans begin!

Online Access
Study Visualizations Pack
Experienced Teachers
One-on-One Mentorship

Maggidei Shiur

Maggid Shiur

Rabbi Yossi Barber
Veteran Semicha teacher
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About the Course

Every bochur knows that the Rebbe mentioned time and again that it is important for bochurim to learn and receive Smicha before they get married.

The knowledge they acquire will serve as the basis of the home that they will establish upon the foundation of Torah and Yiras Shamayim and will enable them to feel empowered to serve as the 'Rav' of their home.

Lemaan Yilmedu's Smicha course was created specifically with bochurim in mind, taking the well established classic Lemaam Yilmedu Smicha curriculum and reconfiguring it to better fit into the structure of a bochur who would like to learn Smicha while on Shlichus or in Yeshiva. The program begins right after Tishrei and concludes on Gimmel Tammuz, just before all summer plans begin!

The year-long program will cover all of the topics that are generally covered in any Smicha: basar b'chalav, taaruvos and melicha.

At the beginning of the program, every participant will receive all the learning materials of LemaanYilmedu which includes a Shulchan Aruch with summaries and an English Translation, summary booklets and booklets with diagrams as learning aids.

The program will have a daily shiur at 5:00 p.m., for an hour. The shiurim will be given by Rabbi Yossi Barber who has over ten years of experience in giving shiurim in semicha, particularly to bachurim, both at the Machon Lemaan Yilmedu and in kollelim and yeshivos.

The shiur will be given over Zoom so that every bachur can participate wherever he is, in yeshiva or on shlichus. After the shiur, participants will be given access to a recording of the shiur, both video and audio, so they can review it (and in case it wasn't possible to see the shiur when given live).

During the school year, there will be several tests and those who pass them will receive a semicha certificate signed by top Chabad rabbanim.

The Semicha program for bachurim is subsidized, leiluy nishmas Harav Zushe Wilhelm a"h, head of machon Lemaan Yilmedu in the U.S., to enable talmidei ha’yeshiva to learn and receive asemicha certificate. Therefore, it is meant only for yeshiva students. Registration for the program requires confirmation that one is attending yeshiva for the upcoming school year.

Workshops & Lectures

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A Sample Shiur

Course Curriculum

The curriculum covers the laws of Basar B'Chalav, Ta'aruvos and Melicha, starting with the Shulchan Aruch and its commentaries, and concluding with the practical application of the Halachos in your own home.

The Syllabus
Download the complete syllabus



What will be learned?

What if I miss a class?

How much time will it take?

What will the tests be like?

What is the schedule and dates of the program?

The Experience

Our Courses

Certificate From
Recognized Poskim

Our Vaad HaSemicha includes leading Rabbonim, including Rabbi Gavriel Zinner, author of Nitei Gavriel and Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Bruan, Rav of the Crown Heights Beis Din.


Our teachers are all experts in their fields and excel in clarity and making things practical. Every teacher is dedicated to seeing the success of their students and ensuring you are prepared for the exams.

Exclusive English
Study Aids Package

Our in-house team has created study aids on every topic in clear, crisp English. Visualizations and diagrams ensure the material is readily grasped, and summaries mean full retention of the subject matter.

and Guidance

Our staff are always there for you, ready to answer any questions during or after class. A Dedicated online forum facilitates robust discussion between students and teachers even after class is over.

Our Exclusive Curriculum

Designed by an in-house team of scholars, our syllabus is all in English, from the primary texts of Shulchan Aruch and commentaries to our exclusive summaries and visualizations. The curriculum is structured to appeal to learners of all kinds. Whether you are a visual, auditory or logic learner, you will leave with a firm grasp of the material.