Chassanim Academy is Thrilled to Embark on Its Second Year!

Chassanim Academy is Thrilled to Embark on Its Second Year!

January 14, 2024

Machon Lemaan Yilmedu is excited to announce that they are about to embark on their second year of the incredible Chassanim Academy! Baruch Hashem, the program so far has been filled with amazing success. Chassanim who participated in the program expressed that it gave them a solid foundation for marriage, with the relaxed atmosphere, organized structure, and a well rounded curriculum covering many areas of married life.

The program covers a wide range of subjects, including the halachos of Taharas Hamishpacha, how to ask a rav shailos, the halachos of chuppah v’kidushin, the importance of building a relationship with a rav, and much more. There are also a wide variety of lectures and practical guidance, including topics like medical matters, emotional health, and managing household finances.

Rabbi Avrohom Levin, the primary instructor for Taharas Hamishpacha classes is known for his clarity and sensitivity. He delivers an extensive preparation program that is clear and organized guided by study materials for better comprehension and retention. In addition to providing comprehensive preparation for chassanim in various aspects of married life, including halacha, hashkafa, and practical guidance, Rabbi Levin maintains a long-lasting relationship with the students, offering ongoing support and guidance to help them navigate this new and exciting stage of life.

Registration is open for the upcoming cycle which G-d willing begins Rosh Chodesh Kislev.

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