Seder Nashim’s second course in Hilchos Kashrus

Seder Nashim’s second course in Hilchos Kashrus

January 14, 2024

Lemaan Yilemdu invites you to join an intensive higher-education program tailored for the knowledge-driven woman. It is your chance to study with the best educators and teachers in the field in a professional, engaging, and convenient setting. Seder Nashim is a year-long, 3 semester program focused on Hilchos Kashrus, Niddah, and Shabbos.

The second course of Seder Nashim is beginning October 15 and will explore Hilchos Kashrus in depth over a 4-month course. Classes are once a week on Sundays and will be led by the renowned Mrs. Simi Hecht

The comprehensive curriculum will take you through the practical, day-to-day halachos of Hilchos Kashrus. Topics include pas yisroel, hafrashas challah, basar b’chalav, tevilas keilim, yayin nesach, and much more.

Designed by an in-house team of scholars, our syllabus is all in English, including our exclusive booklets of summaries and visualizations. The curriculum is structured to appeal to learners of all kinds. Whether you are a visual, auditory or logical learner, you will leave with a firm grasp of the material.

The program is available for women in Crown Heights, with a Zoom option for worldwide participation.

At the conclusion of each semester, a test is administered to retain the information.
Graduates of the entire program will receive a certificate declaring their mastery of the subjects.

All you need is a commitment to learning and a thirst for knowledge to begin this next chapter of your educational journey!

Start date: 30 Tishrei, October 15

For more information and to register, visit

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