Taharas Habayis, Lemaan Yilmedu Team Up for New Course

Taharas Habayis, Lemaan Yilmedu Team Up for New Course

January 14, 2024

Following many months of joint efforts and planning, a powerful alliance was formed. The leaders of Lemaan Yilmedu-USA with the leaders of Taharas Habayis had a small ‘get-together’ in the Badatz offices to celebrate and formally ‘close the deal’.

The meeting began with Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Wilhelm sharing words of Hisorerus and how the upcoming Chosson Teacher’s training is directly in line with the vision and passion of his father Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm a"h. As we all knew R’ Zushe, a live-wire of Limud Hatorah, who spent his final year devoting all his kochos in spreading Torah through the Lemaan Yilmedu-USA branch - making Torah attainable to all.

Rabbi Tuvia Kasimov Moreh Tzedek and head of the ‘CH Tahara Office’, spoke on behalf of Taharas Habayis on how special this course will be and emphasizing our joint vision to raise the levels of Kedusha and Tahara in CH and the world over!

Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz pointed out the Siyaata Dishmaya how in short 4 months following his passing, Reb Zushe’s life mission has now got a very powerful boost. Forging the way for so many to enter the world of teaching Chassanim in the most proficient way. Ultimately, this will undoubtedly raise the bar of torah and yiras shomayim all homes!

R’ Shraga Crombie director of Lemaan Yilmedu, proceeded to sum up the details and plan of the upcoming course. The Rabbonim etc. “Having this partnership formed, we have great plans in store B’ezras Hashem”.

Rabbi Yusewitz says this is the most befitting way to further Reb Zushe’s dream!”. May we all be reunited with our loved ones speedily with Moshiach Now!

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