The Chief Rabbi on a Halachic Tour of a Mikva

The Chief Rabbi on a Halachic Tour of a Mikva

January 14, 2024

During the visit of Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau in the United States, he attended a halachic tour at the Mei Menachem mikva in Crown Heights, which was part of a course on mikvaos for shluchim.

The tour followed nine months of study of the Shulchan Aruch in a weekly shiur given by Rabbi Shimon Gruen and Rabbi Sholom Ber Shuchat, an expert on the laws of mikavos.

Rabbi Moshe Pinson welcomed the chief rabbi who was greatly impressed by the beauty and hiddur of the mikva, and this was followed by a tour of the mikva with Rabbi Shuchat showing how the rainwater is collected, the bor ha'tevila, etc.

The chief rabbi spoke about the importance of checking the rainwater reservoir. He shared his experiences in checking mikvaos in Eretz Yisrael and around the world, and then went on to describe halachic situations which every shliach who has a mikva needs to pay attention to, in order to preserve the kashrus of the mikva.

Registration for the next course on Mikvaos has opened.

For details and to register:

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