At Machon Lemaan Yilmedu, we are preparing for wedding season

At Machon Lemaan Yilmedu, we are preparing for wedding season

January 14, 2024

The weddings of many chassanim and kallos who became engaged recently and were unable to get married during Sefira, will soon commence with the approach of Shavuos. At Machon Lemaan Yilmedu the days of sefira were used by dozens of chassanim who participated in the special program for chassanim that prepares them for the wedding and beyond, establishing a Jewish home.

The program was held for four days in a row in the course of which the chassanim learned everything they need to know, starting with Hilchos Taharas Ha'Mishpacha which was taught by Rabbi Avrohom Hirsch Levin. The chassanim also heard lectures and shiurim on the topics of shalom bayis, relationships, etc.

Among the rabbanim giving shiurim and lectures were Rabbi Sholom Ber Chaikin of Cleveland, who has been guiding chassanim for decades, Rabbi Mordechai Farkash, author of Seder Chuppa V'Kiddushin, and Rabbi Tuvia Kasimov of the Beis Horaah of Crown Heights.

Rabbi Kasimov says that the success of the program speaks for itself and this is seen when he meets chassanim after they marry when questions come up. "Those who participated in Lemaan Yilmedu's program are well-versed in the halacha and were prepared well for the wedding.

For additional details about the program:

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